Thursday, April 23, 2009

9News covers "Water wars in Chaffee County"

BUENA VISTA - Nestle Waters North America is on the verge of tapping into an aquifer it calls plentiful. Located near Ruby Mountain and Big Horn Springs in rural Chaffee County, the aquifer feeds into the Arkansas River.

The company would harvest the water for its Arrowhead Mountain Spring Water brand. Many county residents are concerned about the impact the project would have on the wildlife and surrounding ecosystem and of course the impact on the community water supply.

"We're all just praying it doesn't happen, that we can keep them away and keep them out of Colorado. The fear is we won't have enough water, that we'll be buying back water from Nestle in 10 years to water our gardens so that we can eat," said Vicki Klein, head of a group called Chaffee Citizens for Sustainability.

Read the entire article here.

Mountain Mail coverage of areas not satisfied by Nestle's 1041 application

Jennifer Denevan summarizes areas found to be not satisfied by County staff:
  • substantiation of need for the proposed project
  • project consistency with the land use plans and regulations, comprehensive plans, and water quality plans of the county, local municipalities and regional, state and federal entities
  • ability to meet the requirements of CO Public Health and Environment and CO Water Conservation Board as well as other state and federal water supply, in-stream flow and water-quality requirements
  • absence of significant impact on the quality of peripheral or downstream surface water resources
  • prevention of significant deterioration to air quality, visual quality, wetlands, and floodplains, and terrestrial and aquatic animal life and habitat
  • assurance of no significant adverse net effect on the local economy
  • prevention of significant adverse net effect on wildlife species
  • harmonious, non-destructive human interaction with wildlife habitats
The article also summarizes findings of County consultants. Well worth the read.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Aurora approves sale of water to Nestle for augmentation

From the Aurora Sentinel:
Council also lent its approval to a lease agreement with Nestle Waters North America, Inc., a pact that would see Aurora lease up to 200 acre-feet of water in the Arkansas Basin to Nestle Waters North America Inc. for $800 per acre-foot. The agreement passed by a 7-4 vote; councilmembers Renie Peterson, Bob FitzGerald, Larry Beer and Ryan Frazier voted no.